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35 qualities of a healthy relationship

Quality of healthy relationship 
If you've heard it once, you've heard it one hundred times over, and every relationship is different. Too often, people compare their relationships to that of others. This causes them to fail at having a relationship that fulfills their needs and their mate's needs. If you go into a relationship expecting positive things, positive things will come of it, but you must establish quality.

It's important to understand that as individuals, we are different. We have different goals, mindsets, morals, expectations, and characteristics. All these are essential aspects of who we are in life and relationships, but what makes a good relationship? Although all relationships are different, they are the same in that they should have positive qualities.

There are people from all walks of life that choose to remain in unfulfilling relationships because of the fear of being alone or are independent of others to bring them happiness. You don't need a person to complete you. In fact, before you can contribute or benefit positively to or from a relationship, you must learn to function as an individual. You must become confident with yourself and know that you are worthy.
Do you often wonder whether your bond has all the qualities of a healthy relationship? Healthy relationships are characterized by mutual respect, trust, empathy, and more. On the other hand, some relationships may be unpleasant, difficult, and downright painful. When it comes down to it, a relationship is simply two imperfect people who embrace each other despite their imperfections. It requires cooperation and effort. Both partners must work through their differences to develop a healthy and long-lasting relationship. This article looks at essential qualities of a happy, loving relationship. Keep reading.====>

In This Article:
==> Personal quality 
==> Qualities Of A Healthy And Happy Relationship
==> Infographic: How To Maintain The Relationship Spark
===> Frequently Asked Questions
==> Key Takeaways
***personal quality. 
Before we discuss the qualities needed to succeed in relationship, let's discuss the qualities that you should possess as an individual before starting a relationship. You won't fully benefit from a relationship that has all the right attributes if you're not the type of person you should be individual.

Before starting a relationship, make sure that:

You Are Happy. Happiness is a word that describes your emotions and your mind. Do you feel happiness and joy with where you are right now in life? You must find happiness in yourself before you attempt to see it in anyone else. There are several ways a relationship can fail because one person seeks to find happiness in the other person. If you are already unhappy, you won't be an asset to the relationship at all.

You Are Confident. Confidence is crucial in life. Low self-esteem is something that can destroy an individual and damage a relationship. Don't look to another person to help you feel better about yourself. You must have the confidence you need to encourage yourself. A person that lacks confidence may also lack the ability to sustain a healthy relationship of any type. If you deal with confidence issues or low self-esteem, talk with a professional counselor immediately. Once you address and repair the internal damage, you can move forward in confidence that you are ready for a relationship.

You Are Independent. Independence is a significant factor in relationships and life. Don't start a relationship hoping that the other person can do certain things for you or meet needs that you should be meeting on your own. If you're looking to meet someone because you're struggling financially or need help with other life issues, you should stop and reassess your contribution to your well-being.

You Are Complete. Completion is one of the most significant factors of happiness in life. If you've achieved or are working towards your life's goals, you should feel a sense of completion. Not because you have it all together, but because you're doing what it takes to get it all together. Never look to another person to complete you or make you feel whole. That's your responsibility, and once you can do that for yourself, you can bring a lot to a relationship.

What are the qualities of a good relationship? How do you keep your relationship healthy and strong? If you are looking for signs or ideas to know the secrets of a good and healthy relationship, the list below might enlighten you.
If you are on the positive scale of all the above, you may be ready for a quality relationship. Now that you know you're ready, you don't want to start a relationship with anyone. You may go on a few bad dates and possibly have a few bad relationships before you find the one. But once they come along, the relationship can be extremely pleasurable.

Here is a list of qualities good relationships needs to have.
# Qualities of a Good and Healthy Relationship#
1. Truthfulness
Both of you are honest with each other, not just because you have to, but because you enjoy sharing the truth together.

2. Kindness
Kindness is a quality of a healthy relationship 
Kindness is a glue that not only holds humanity together but romantic relationships as well. It is one of the most important qualities required in any loving long-term relationship. Forget about grand gestures – small acts of kindness are what we should be practicing daily.

It could be something as simple as making your partner a cup of tea in the morning or letting them sleep an extra 30 minutes while you make breakfast. Making an intentional effort to be more caring and compassionate with small, frequent, and even mundane displays of affection is what truly counts at the end of the day.

Kindness lies in letting your default reaction be love, being present, and accepting your partner for who they are. It may be challenging to be kind during a conflict, but don’t forget that kindness is about showing acceptance, empathy, and tolerance during the hardest of times.

You help each other without expecting in return. You care for each other’s needs, not only for your own needs.

3. Compassion
You feel each other’s joy and pain. You understand each other’s thoughts and feelings even without hearing a thing. Your two hearts beat as one.

A relationship without empathy won't succeed. Both partners should be compassionate about the feelings and needs of each other. You are there for each other in good and challenging times. Both people strive to work together to create reliable solutions for problems they may face individually or as a couple. If you lack compassion for each other, you will also lack empathy for the relationship.

4. Mutual Respect

In a loving and healthy relationship, mutual respect involves speaking to and treating each other in a respectful and considerate manner. It is not realistic for you and your partner to agree on everything, but it is vital to value each other’s feelings and needs. Respect often involves celebrating each other’s differences without imposing your own beliefs on your partner. This is the most important characteristic of a healthy relationship.

It becomes easier for a relationship to grow and flourish when two people have mutual respect for one another because it makes overcoming conflict a lot easier. You and your partner can then approach any obstacle with an ability to see things from the other’s perspective.
Both of you respect each other’s views and decisions, even if they are different from one another. The two of you also see to it that self-respect is well-maintained.

Both people in the relationship need to respect each other. You respect their feelings, thoughts, and opinions. It's how you show them that they matter and you care about their feelings. Respect in a relationship must be both ways, or the relationship won't last.

5 Transparency

Relationships require transparency and vulnerability. Both people must be open and honest about their feelings and things going on in their lives. There is no room for secrecy, as it can lead to feelings of distrust. In a quality relationship, you feel comfortable talking to your mate about almost anything.

6. Humility
You and your significant other can easily swallow pride and quickly turn any petty quarrel into a memory that both of you can just laugh at.

7. Gentleness
When one commits sins or mistakes, he or she is reproved in calmness and gentleness, not in rage and vengeance.

8. Forgiveness
You forgive each other. You also forgive yourself. You do not dwell on the past but live in the present moment while looking forward to a brighter future.

Things happen, and sometimes they are bad things. It's life. You can't always expect the relationship to be sunny, but you should always be willing to forgive. Even if you can't forget what happened, forgiveness is one of the great relationship traits you should practice - one of the good traits each person must possess. Holding on to a grudge is the easiest way to bring hurt or drama to the rest of your life. Talk things over and always be open to forgive your mate. Forgiveness doesn't mean that you must stay together, but it means you don't harbor anger.

9. Growth
Both of you learn from your mistakes and commit to never do the same mistakes again. You and your significant other strive to be mature and grow as individuals and partners in your relationship.

=====>. Knowledge
You know each other very well. Both of you know each other’s wants, needs, likes, and hates. It’s like your minds are connected and thinking as one.

10. Wisdom
Both of you have the ability to determine what is right and what is wrong. You help each other make the right choices or decisions.

11. Righteousness
You and your partner turn down temptations. You reject wickedness such as lying and cheating that could destroy your relationship.

12. Understanding
You and your partner practice the qualities of a good couple. The two of you actually experience what it is really like to have a good relationship. And through that experience, you understand what you’re talking about when you say… let’s continue to be a good couple!

13. Hope
No matter what happens, hope is never lost in your relationship. Regardless of the challenges, the two of you team up and never give up on each other.

14. Faith in action
You believe each other through deeds or actions. Aside from hoping for a healthy and happy relationship, both of you are faithful to achieve it, not only by believing but also by doing everything to really accomplish it.

15. Selflessness
You don’t allow selfishness in your relationship. Each of you makes sacrifices for the betterment, success, and happiness of your relationship.

16. Self-love
Both of you love and take care of each other as you love and take care of yourselves.

17. Responsibility
There is a good partnership in your relationship. Both of you accomplish the duties and responsibilities of a good partner. The two of you also avoid the blame game, as you are accountable to each other.

18. Trust
Trust is a quality of a healthy relationship 

“All You Need is Love” may have been a popular song by The Beatles, but it couldn’t have been more wrong. As intoxicating as love may be, it is trust that makes a relationship a safe place. The happiest and most satisfying relationships rest on a foundation of absolute trust. It is one quality that will provide incredible amounts of intimacy and security within a relationship and is based wholly on honesty and integrity. There are no defined qualities of a good wife/husband, but trust is one such quality that both of them must-have.

Remember – trust is a two-way street, and it all begins with yourself. If you have a difficult time trusting yourself in general, it will make it harder for you to trust your partner in a healthy way. Secrets, little white lies, and betrayals can destroy a relationship and cause one or both of you to lose trust in each other and yourselves.

You trust each other. You trust the relationship. And you trust yourself.
This one is obvious but good. Relationships need trust to thrive. If you are doubtful of your mate's intentions towards you or love you, the relationship won't prosper. You should believe what your partner tells you and trust that they always act in the best interest of the relationship and you.

19. Patience
You and your partner do not complain about the hardships that come in your relationship. Both of you are patient. And your patience gives you the feeling of joy, not frustration.

20. Fearlessness
You are not afraid to completely love each other. You give each other true love without reservations. You are not afraid to be hurt or to be left behind, because both of you understand that it is more important to love than to be loved.

21. Extraordinariness
The love you give to each other is not ordinary. Anything you do for love, you always give your best shot.

22. Joy
No matter how hard and painful things are in your relationship, it stays in good shape because joy and laughter are the best medicine you always take to keep your relationship healthy. You and your significant other don’t let anything or anyone take your happiness away.

23. Contentment
There is no room for envy and bitterness in your relationship. Both of you feel blessed and complete. You and your partner feel like your dreams have already become realities.

24. Consistency
You are caring, loving, compassionate, patient, honest, and kind to each other, not only on Valentine’s Day or Christmas Day, but every day – not only during the easy times but also the hard times.

25. Love
True love exists in your relationship. This love unites all the qualities above to work in perfect harmony and keeps your relationship great, healthy, and long-lasting.

Part of the traits to look for in a spouse is having that understanding that quality relationship is built on love. It's the love for each other that makes you want to ensure that all other qualities are present in the relationship. Love is an action verb, and it requires you to do little things each day to remind your partner that you love them. Telling a person you love them isn't always enough.

26. Unconditional Acceptance

Anyone you date will present individualities, values, and behavior that you dislike, but that's what makes us all unique. However, for a relationship to work, you must accept these individual differences unconditionally. If a relationship is established on unconditional acceptance of a few basic flaws, it could last a long time.

27. Commitment

The start of any relationship should begin by setting the standards of expectations. A quality relationship requires commitment from both parties. The commitment is to each other, as well as the relationship. It is your commitment to give of yourself and ensure that you always put the best interest of your mate and the relationship at the forefront of any decision.

28. Affection

A quality relationship will be loving, gentle, and affectionate. You want to be sure that your mate gets the quality of affection that shows them you love them, and you should receive the same in return. Affection can be an occasional peck on the cheek, holding hands while watching television, or giving a warm embrace each day. The idea is to allow the physical closeness to demonstrate your feelings and desire to make your mate feel loved.

29. Appreciation

Your relationship should overflow with gratefulness because you appreciate each other so much. It's not easy to find a person that makes you smile and brings your heart the joy it deserves. Once you find this person, show them how appreciative you are by doing little things. Both people in a relationship should initiate small acts of kindness to show that they appreciate their mate. It makes the person feel valued and worthy of being in the relationship.
30. Compatibility
Compatibility is a quality of a healthy relationship 

Compatible: (Adjective) Able to exist or occur together without conflict.

A lot of factors go into a successful relationship, but one of the biggest ones is compatibility. When two people are compatible, they truly enjoy each other’s company and find it easy to talk to one another.

If you have nothing in common and realize that you share almost no interests with your partner once the honeymoon phase of the relationship fades away, you don’t have much left to work with. Additionally, it is important to understand that compatibility has nothing to do with love. You must be in love with your partner, but you also must be in “like” with them. You need to actually like spending time with them. More importantly, you both need to want the relationship.

Couples that are completely in love with each other break up all the time because they simply can’t exist happily together. So, ask yourself the big questions: Am I sincerely happy with this person? Will I be able to happily coexist with this person as time passes? People often tend to underestimate the importance of fundamental compatibility in a relationship, but if you want your relationship to last, it is absolutely essential.
31. Individuality
Individuality is a quality of a healthy relationship 
They say that if you want to love someone the right way, you need to love yourself first. In a strong relationship, both partners feel closely connected while maintaining a strong sense of independence and individuality within the relationship. If you want your relationship to be successful, you need to be careful that you are not looking for someone to complete your “incompleteness” or define you. Don’t forget about your interests or hobbies that were important to you before you became involved in the relationship.

Respecting your partner by encouraging their unique interests and personal goals, which are independent of your own, is key to strengthening a relationship.

I suggest :
Even if you both do not share the same hobbies, ensure you both find time to nurture your hobbies. You may fix a day or time to spend time for your passions and let your partner know about it beforehand.

32. Open Communication
Open communication is a quality of a healthy relationship 
Communication can make or break a relationship. An open and honest dialogue is the cornerstone of a good relationship. Open communication involves communicating effectively and transparently with your partner without fearing judgment. If you find yourself freely voicing your worries and feelings when difficulties arise, and expressing gratitude when things are good, you are doing well.

The ability to hold a good conversation is one of the best ways to remain emotionally connected with your partner. So, make sure you put some time aside each day just to talk and listen more actively.

Life blog Says
While listening, ensure you respond in an active constructive way. Be enthusiastic and show genuine interest while your partner is talking to you.

33. Shared Responsibility
Shared responsibility is a quality of a healthy relationship 
What is the number one complaint attached to a troubled relationship? Dirty dishes. Couples who share the responsibility of maintaining their home – whether it’s everyday chores, cooking, finances, or walking the dog – build a sense of teamwork. Sharing responsibilities creates a sense of being on the same team.

With teamwork comes a sense of interdependence that leads to a deeper understanding of one another. If you and your partner both do your parts to share the load purely out of desire, neither of you feels burdened and life becomes a whole lot easier.

34. Accountability
Accountability is a quality of a healthy relationship 
Accountability is a factor that every relationship needs to have in order to thrive. Taking accountability for your actions, words, and reactions takes courage because it requires introspection, humility, and pure honesty. This is one of the ideal partner qualities that every man/woman is looking for.

For starters, it is essential to acknowledge how you may have hurt your partner and what you can do to change your behavior. It requires taking ownership and entails being responsive to your partner’s needs.

Don’t ever underestimate the power of saying “I’m sorry” or “I messed that up” to your partner. Make an active effort to improve things. We already know that nobody is perfect, so let’s not pretend otherwise.

35. Humor
Humor is a quality of a healthy relationship 
A shared sense of humor is perhaps one of the most critical elements of a romantic relationship. You don’t need to be a hilarious stand-up comedian, but what matters is finding similar things funny, whether it’s cat videos on YouTube, Saturday Night Live sketches, The Simpsons, or memes. A shared taste in humor helps create a solid foundation for your relationship. It not only provides a bonding point but also creates a sense of emotional security.

Does your relationship have the qualities above? If you are missing something, it’s time to work it out. You can always start with love.

**If you're in a relationship that doesn't have over half the qualities listed above, you may not be in a good quality relationship. Although all relationships are different, they should all make each person feel valued, honored, and loved. Don't allow social media and its depiction of what love and relationships should look like to determine what you want your relationship should be. At the end of the day, you're not in a relationship to appease others; you should be in it to bring joy to the person you're dating and to help you live your best life.

Never start or end a relationship based on impulse. Search your heart, mind, and soul to ensure that you're making the best decision for yourself. If you love yourself, it's easy to demand others to do the same. It's also easy for you to show love to others when you truly love yourself.

Infographic: How To Maintain The Relationship Spark
Relationships need constant nurturing. You cannot just be with someone and leave the relationship to grow without effort. It will need your attention and care. While you can certainly thrive with your partner with the 9 qualities mentioned above, there are some fun activities you can do together to enjoy their company more and build intimacy. Check out the infographic below for more information.
how to maintain the relationship spark [infographic] 
Credit : StyleCraze Design Team

We hope the points mentioned above have helped you see the necessities of a healthy relationship. Although it is up to your wishes to decide how you define your relationship, these nine qualities of a healthy relationship should be considered. Upheavals in a relationship are inevitable. However, if you are committed to your relationship, respect and love your partner, and want to put in all efforts to strengthen your bond, you will be able to find inner peace and extreme joy in togetherness. Because everything is possible when you are willing to make it work and embrace each other without any inhibitions.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a healthy boundary in a relationship?

Healthy boundaries are rules, values, or principles you have set for yourself in a relationship. It helps you understand each other better and develops mutual respect.

What can destroy a relationship?

Several things can destroy a relationship, like not communicating, cheating, not trusting each other, jealousy, possessiveness, insecurities, etc.

What are the red flags in a relationship?

Unwillingness to compromise, possessiveness, not being happy for your partner’s success, lack of trust, overly controlling behavior, and physical, emotional, or mental abuse are all red flags in a relationship.

Key Takeaways
Healthy relationships are built on mutual respect, empathy, and trust.
There might be differences and conflicts. However, communication can help sort the issues.
Both have to put in the effort and cooperate to maintain a healthy and long-standing relationship.


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