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Small business management

How to Run a Successful Small Business You need organization and a proper plan TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Get Organized 2. Keep Detailed Records 3. Analyze Your Competition 4. Understand the Risks and Rewards 5. Be Creative 6. Stay Focused 7. Prepare to Make Sacrifices 8. Provide Great Service 9. Be Consistent To succeed in business today, you need to be flexible and have good planning and organizational skills. Many people start a business thinking that they’ll turn on their computers or open their doors and start making money, only to find that making money in a business is much more difficult than they thought. You can avoid this in your business ventures by taking your time and planning out all the necessary steps you need to achieve success. Whatever type of business you want to start, using the following nine tips can help you be successful in your venture. KEY TAKEAWAYS Starting a business requires analytical thinking, determined organization, and detailed record-keepin


BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIP BY PRINCE JASON Building a solid relationship is what everybody craves for. But having a successful relationship seems to be difficult for most people in the society. To have a good grasp on the topic, it is paramount that one understands what exactly successful relationship is. In simple terms, a successful relationship is a relationship that has stood up through thick and thin. OK!  With that being said, allow me the opportunity to ask you just one question. How can you achieve a successful relationship? The answer is quite simple! Just apply these 10 tips listed below, and see your relationship turn around for good. TEN KEYS TO BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIP:: 1. BUILD TRUST Trust is the bedrock of love which matures with time. You need to be patient so as to accomplish trust. The truth is that trust makes you open and not hesitant in sharing your dreams, achievement, fears, worries, etc. In order to help your partner understand the r

cause and effect

THERE IS AN EFFECT FOR EVERY CAUSE Man is the cause of the disasters in his life. He reaps through the ages exactly as he sows. Life is perfectly just and rewards every man according to his works. The fate of the present is the reaping of his sowing in, it may be, a distant past. Therefore, the disasters and sufferings of this life, must not be attributed to the interference of a capricious and unreasonable God, for the truth is, they are due to the exact working of a perfectly just law. Fate, once created, is irrevocable. It can neither be fought nor evaded. By fighting against fate, man merely smashes himself to pieces. To do so, is equivalent to running his head against a stone cliff: the harder he charges, the greater the damage to his head—but the cliff is unaffected. Fate, although largely self-created, is really the Divine purpose of life: therefore, to resist it is to fight against God. Fate, again is not punishment, in any vindictive sense, it is the drawing together of c

How to master your mind

#Life blog How to Master Your Mind: You are the thinker and the observer of your thoughts. You must pay attention to your thoughts so you can identify “who” is running the show; this will determine which technique you will want to use. Begin each day with the intention of paying attention to your thoughts and catching yourself when you are thinking undesirable thoughts. There are two ways to control your thoughts: Technique A – Interrupt and replace them Technique B – Eliminate them altogether This second option is what is known as peace of mind! The technique of interrupting and replacing is a means of reprogramming your subconscious mind. Eventually, the replacement thoughts will become the “go to” thoughts in the applicable situations. Use Technique A with the Inner Critic and Worrier and Technique B with the Reactor and Sleep Depriver. For the Inner Critic When you catch yourself thinking something negative about yourself (calling yourself names, disrespecting yourse


Prince Jason blog SEX, FEELINGS AND LOVE #Marital issues #takethesedown A man can have sex with a lady and still don't have any feelings for her, men only need space to have sex but women need reason to have sex. A woman cannot have sex without feelings except sex workes. A man can travel for eight hours 'just to have sex with a female friend and yet, not love her. Sex makes men act as if they are in love while they are not. The eight hours travel sacrifice, gifts bought, hotel paid for and other expenses may seem to be coming from true love but they were all in the sacrifice for sex and nothing more. The foolish thing is this, the majority of women would jump up inside them and conclude that this is the art of true love. Sex is not an act of commitment. Men still leave the women they sleep with on bed and start thinking of the next woman to sleep with. The satisfaction that comes from sex dies in minutes. It is in the nature of Lions to go miles to hunt. The same wit

marriage (what you need to understand)

What you must have in mind before getting married as a single and after you got married #marital issues  If you marry the right person, everyday is Valentine's Day. Marry the wrong person, everyday is Martyrs Day. Marry a lazy person, everyday is Labour Day. Marry a rich person everyday is New Year's Day Marry an immature person, everyday would seem like Children's Day. Marry a cheater or liar, everyday will become April Fool's Day. And if you don't get married, everyday is Independance Day! Marriage is the only school where you get the Certificate before you start. It's also a school where you will never graduate. It's a school without a break or a free period. It's a school where no one is allowed to drop out. It's a school you will have to attend every day of your life. It's a school where there is no sick leave or holidays. It's a school founded by God: 1.On the foundation of love. 2.The walls are made out of trust. 3.The door


Prince Jason blog Factors to avoid in transforming Your Ideas And Innate Potentials To Reality. F: Fear: The fear of the unknown has made many go to the grave with all the ideas that would have made the world a better place. The fear of trying and failing and the fear of not having a fixed income to depend on have to be overcome with strong determination to succeed. There are no businesses that are succeeding today that haven’t failed at a point. Failure should be seen as the opportunity to do a thing better. A: Allowing The Stories of Those Who Failed to Overwhelm You: Failure is part of life, while trying to walk as a toddler you fell severally but stood up and kept trying and eventually you began to walk steadily. C: Call to action: Act now because procrastination will kill your ideas and make never start. T: Telling Your Ideas to Those Who Didn’t Receive It: You cannot expect to succeed when you tell those who did not take delivery of the idea and thoughts. You are onl

Law of finance

#Prince_Jason_blog LAWS OF FINANCE* There are 2 types of Laws of finance: 1} LAW OF POVERTY. 2} LAW OF WEALTH. *1} LAW OF POVERTY:* This law states that work alone or work under someone and remain poor for the rest of your life. 95% of people in the world are living under this law. The people under this law make use of their credentials, they have ego, they seek for job, they have someone called boss, they receive salary which is fixed amount. *S.A.L.A.R.Y* S= Small A= Amount L= Limiting A= And R= Restricting Y= You These people are called the working class. They always look for job. *J.O.B* J= Just O= Over B= Broke *2} LAW OF WEALTH:* This law states that work with a team or group of people and remain wealthy forever, it is just 5% of people in the world that are living under this law. The people under this law make use of their potentials, and they are called the thinking class, they think of what to offer to the society and in turn make money. These people the


People will wish you the best in life and hate you when you make it.  Don't let fear make the decisions for you.   You don't become what you want, you become what you believe. What comes easy, will not always last. And what will last, will not always come easy. To be successful you must accept all challenges that come your way. You can’t just accept the ones you like. You have to fight your bad days to deserve your best days. Know and understand that there will be challenges and difficult times. Don't try to avoid them, but let them mold you into a better person. Let go of the things that don't matter any-more, you don't need the extra weight holding you down. You should never have to change yourself so that someone will like you. If you do, that person isn't worth your time. Believe deep down in your heart that you are destined to do great things. Worry about your own business, not everyone else's. Being a FEMALE is a matter of birth. Being a WOMAN is a mat

Your dream is your life

Prince Jason blog "Anybody that don't have a dream is a dead person". Dream is future and future is is a mandate that you must have a dream if actually you want to further in your life.many people are without a dream I.e a vision,this have made their life so miserable because they cannot lay hold on anything.      Know your dream,it is your basis to success, many people have a great dream like Joseph in bible as you can see that that he dream of his greatness to come his brethren became jealous of him, they ended selling to slave buyers in other to abort his dream.    In this case you must share your dream for dream shared is half solved.But you should know the kind of people you share your dream with. They are many dream killers every where. Those that thought that success is not for everybody. They constitute in so many ills going on in the society.this set of people are everywhere both in rural areas and urban areas.They include witches and wizards that uses m